Nóta 008 6.10.23
A chairde,
Speech and Language therapy:
We have employed a Speech and Language Therapist (Maria Laverty) this term and she has identified some children who would benefit from 1:1 sessions with her. The sessions will start next week as we have already gained consent from some of the parents. More consent forms will be sent out in the coming days.
Forms’ Clinic – we will soon be organising an event to help people with filling out forms, especially for the free meals. Some parents will lose quite a bit of money if this isn’t done soon.
Parental Praise – We are deeply grateful for the kind words of praise from parents recently in some text messages, in the feedback forms and verbally at meetings in the school. This means a great deal to us.
Swimming: Swimming will take place for pupils in R6 / 7 this Wednesday coming.
5 A Side Football: We are currently organising 5 A Side Football every Wednesday for R 5 / 6 /7. We anticipate that your child will alternate each Wednesday to have either swimming or football. Further details to follow.
Cinema – ‘WOLFWALKERS’ –R 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Children from Rang 3 / 4 and Rang 5 / 6 /7 will be attending ‘WolfWalkers – an Irish Language Screening in the Odeon Cinema on Thursday 19th October at 10.30. Cost is: £3.00 each child.
Breakfast club: The breakfast club continues to work well. The cost is £4.00 per child each week. Thank you to the parents who have paid on time.
Journalist Workshops – R6/7 will start working with a journalist in a few weeks’ time on local stories – more to follow.
Tin Whistle … we are delighted that the vast majority of R5-7 are very well supported in their music learning. They are very impressive indeed.
Oisín Brown – We are indebted to Oisín, one of our past pupils, who was a great role model this week for our R5-7 children. His prowess on the guitar (and how he retained his Irish!!) was admired by all. We wish him all the very best in his own studies!